Having a Sexy Butt is Now Real with the Sculptra Butt Lift
The latest advancements at MiracleFace allow everyone to get well shaped and curvy buttocks.
- Allow yourself to have a nicely formed bum without having to undergo a surgical operation and lengthy recovery time;
- Get the pleasure of having an upside-down heart shaped butt for 2-4 years;
- This buttocks augmentation is all about natural collagen stimulation by means of Sculptra shots that result in lifted, contoured and volumized bum;
- At MiracleFace the Sculptra booty comes with customized care that meets your expectations

The Sculptra Before and After Bum Photos: Proof of Effectiveness
- About: Sculptra butt lift in NYC is an aesthetic procedure that is designed to enhance the curve and shape of your buttocks in a minimally invasive manner. This means that you will not need to undergo plastic surgery and deal with its high risk of possible complications.
Sculptra butt lift treatment is carried out by means of a dermal filler injection of Sculptra formula. This is a natural substance that stimulates collagen production in the subcutaneous layers of the skin.
Due to its numerous benefits and long lasting results Sculptra Butt Lift has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. - Safety: Provided that the procedure is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, Sculptra butt injections do not pose the risk of either scarring or infection. Sculptra butt augmentation is much safer than its surgical counterpart as it does not require going under the knife.
- Convenience: Being an outpatient-based procedure Sculptra butt augmentation is performed in your physician’s office. It does not require lengthy downtime as no general anesthesia or surgical recovery is involved. This means you may go back to your regular daily tasks immediately. The most important part of this process is finding a licensed, trained, and experienced provider to administer the treatment.
- Cost: The overall cost of a Sculptra butt lift mainly depends on how much volume you intend to gain. Your final goal is decisive in determining the number of vials to be injected. Taking this into consideration, the procedure may cost you anywhere from $2000 to $10000 per session.
- Efficacy: Studies suggest that the majority of patients are well satisfied with the outcome of their butt augmentation procedure, the satisfaction rates being higher among those who have received over 20 vials of Sculptra filler.
What Is Sculptra Butt Lift?
There are different factors that can negatively affect the natural pert and plumpness of your buttocks, namely weight and fat loss, pregnancy and gravity-related aging. Another factor that is decisive in your butt appearance is genetics; add to that the anatomical variations and the way your gluteus muscles wrap around thek bony pelvis.
In case you have noticed that your butt is getting flat and losing its shape and volume, this might be just the right time for you to start thinking about getting a Sculptra butt lift. This is a minimally invasive treatment that comes with low risks and does not require anesthesia. In fact, it stimulates the body’s own collagen production which naturally enhances and adds volume to the buttocks.
Sculptra is an implantable filler based on polylactic acid that boosts collagen production. In order to be eligible for the treatment you need to be healthy with no serious medical issues that may negatively affect you. You can be a good candidate for Sculptra butt lift, if you don’t smoke, do not struggle with chronic disabilities and want to make use of this minimally invasive surgical procedure in order to achieve your realistic goals.
How Does Sculptra Butt Lift Work?
Sculptra butt enhancement procedure is different from other types of implantable fillers. The vast majority of the modern FDA approved fillers add tissue volume that can be observed immediately after the procedure. This is due to the intrinsic properties of hyaluronic acid or hydroxyapatite based gel products.
Sculptra, however, works through poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA for short) injections delivered to the subdermal and subcutaneous layers. One vial of Sculptra formula contains 367.5 mg of PLLA, mixed with 5 – 10 ml of sterile water. This key ingredient in a Sculptra shot starts a cascade of reactions that boost your body’s natural collagen production.
Collagen is a critically important protein that structures and shapes your skin and body organs. After the injection of Sculptra PLLA particles, the collagen grows a three dimensional matrix around PLLA molecules and fills out your butt. This is how it produces a curvy and enhanced shape which at the same time looks natural, authentic, and fits your body type.
The results are not instantaneous and a few months are required for the collagen-building process to be completed.
Many patients prefer to get a few treatments for the best results that Sculptra can offer.

What Does the Sculptra Butt Treatment Process Imply?
Getting your first medical aesthetic treatment can be intimidating and nerve-wracking. That is why we have developed a brief guide for you to see how the process works at MiracleFace:
Initial Consultation
Everything starts with a one on one consultation with Dr. Schwarzburg. During the consultation process he conducts an examination to determine your health, lifestyle, and treatment goals. Afterwards, based on the shape you want to get and the amount of volume you intend to add to your buttocks your treatment plan will be formulated.
Dr. Schwarzburg will update you on the number of Sculptra vials that will be necessary for the targeted treatment areas to achieve the most optimal results with Sculptra induced collagen production. The number of Sculptra vials for buttocks is determined depending on your desired volume and your anatomical peculiarities. This is different from patient to patient.
The Actual Day of the Sculptra Butt Augmentation Procedure
- You will be provided a gown and special underwear to change into;
- For fully symmetrical and well-balanced results Dr. Schwarzburg will mark the treatment area;
- The skin surface will be sterilized to ensure the risk of infection is minimized;
- A local anesthetic will be applied to the treatment area while you’re laying on your stomach, meant to reduce the discomfort during the procedure.
The Sculptra Injections
- A sterile, medium-sized cannula is used for product delivery into the subcutaneous layer of the skin to deposit the product into previously demarcated areas.
- Dr. Schwarzburg utilizes a blunt tip cannula technique with a maximum of 2 entry points per cheek.
Once the injections are completed, the entry points on the sites of injection are cleaned and bandages are applied. After the completion of all these steps you are clear to leave the office.
Right after each session, you will be able to get back to your day to day activities!
Which Areas Does the Sculptra Butt Lift Procedure Target?
A properly administered Sculptra butt augmentation procedure focuses on the buttocks and gluteal regions. Sculptra buttocks augmentation works only in the butt area by boosting the natural collagen production, which is not the case with the Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery that involves excess fat harvesting through invasive liposuction.
What Is the Reason Sculptra Butt Lift Is So Popular in New York City?
In most cases it can be daunting and not even possible to achieve the look of a full and perky backside. Multiple factors affect the size, shape and volume of the buttocks.
Currently, there are two approaches to butt augmentation: surgical and non-surgical.
- Non-surgical way of gluteal region enhancement through exercise:
In case you have spent time and energy in getting your booty lifted through exercise and yet failed, just know that you are not alone. Too much workout will cause loss of good fat around the bum, contributing to flat booty look by taking away the much needed volume for a feminine shape.
Lunges are a popular butt exercise, however they don’t always produce the desired results if there are certain anatomical limitations related to the way your muscles are attached to the ischial bony elements, and the way the fat is distributed in the gluteal region.
- Increasing the size of your butt through plastic surgery
Brazilian butt lift and implants – While you may want that Kim Kardashian caliber butt, you might not want to undergo a surgery and have fat harvested from other parts of your body to get the results that you want. Both Brazilian butt lift procedures and silicone implants are invasive surgeries that are carried out in operating rooms, requiring full anesthesia, extensive recovery time and posing high risk of side effects.
Sculptra Butt Lift – When it comes to the Sculptra butt lift procedure, there is no need to subject yourself to dangerous treatments, as it is all about safe butt enhancement performed by means of an injectable filler! Dr. Schwarzburg has mastered and perfected the Sculptra BBL, which is a non-surgical procedural approach that involves minimal to no side effects and does not require prolonged downtime.
What Makes Sculptra Butt Augmentation so effective?
- It boosts the body’s own collagen production
Sculptra injections work by naturally stimulating body’s own collagen production leading to increased volume of the injected areas, adding curves to your butt. These minimally invasive dermal filler injections are a truly effective means for filling out the booty. Moreover, they result in an authentic-looking enhancement.
- No recovery time and very few side effects
If you’re looking for a minimally invasive alternative to surgical interventions, without serious side effects and will grant you long lasting results, then this approach is the clear winner for you. Your Sculptra butt lift before and after shots will be truly impressive. Add to that that the results last 3-4 years and all the hesitation will disappear.
- A time saver and a great personal investment
Why not get Sculptra injections for buttocks instead of wearing yourself out by physical workouts that don’t produce the results you’re looking for in the end?! Sculptra BBL is the latest advancement in aesthetic butt sculpting that creates a natural yet obvious enhancement of the booty. It is high time to get your butt sculpted with Sculptra at MiracleFace and let your before and after selfies be a great testament to the efficacy of the procedure!
Who Is A Good Candidate For Sculptra Butt Shaping?
Dr. Schwarzburg carefully goes through the whole process with every patient, considering their expectations and the kinds of results they can anticipate as a baseline. Before moving on to creating your treatment plan he always makes sure Sculptra butt lift is the most optimal treatment procedure for you.
You can be considered a good candidate for the Sculptra Butt Treatment if you are:
- Healthy and with no severe allergies to common medications
- Have normal or low body fat composition (BMI < 29), and have not succeeded in increasing the volume of your butts through diet & exercise
- Too slim for a surgical procedure like the Brazilian Butt Lift
- Avoiding surgery but want to add volume to your backside
- An LGBT patient who intends to undergo sex reassignment procedures
Summing up generally healthy individuals who lack volume in their booties are the best candidates for this minimally invasive procedure.
Who Should Avoid Sculptra Butt Contouring?
According to multiple studies, Sculptra BBL is considered to be a safe procedure, and yet it may not suit everyone. In general, Dr. Schwarzburg is extremely cautious with immunocompromised patients, those with autoimmune problems and bleeding disorders. At MiracleFace, we also do not treat patients under the age of 18, as well as pregnant, or breastfeeding women. Patients who have keloids or hypertrophic scarring in their medical history may not be candidates for Sculptra butt lift either.
Are Sculptra Buttocks Injections Safe?
Sculptra butt injections are considered safe when performed by trained and board certified physicians.
Injecting Sculptra filler into the buttocks through a needle is a common practice. However, it brings forth moderate to severe bruising and pain, as well as high possibility of improper filler settlement and formation of granulomas.
Dr. Schwarzburg tends to use blunt tip cannula for Sculptra injections. With the rounded and blunt tip of the cannula which easily glides through the tissues, the damage caused to the surrounding structures is minimal, also the unpleasant sensations are significantly reduced.
Sculptra Aesthetic is approved by the FDA for facial injections. As for butt injections, being off-label they should be administered by a qualified and trained physician with extensive experience.
What Are The Side Effects Associated with Sculptra Butt Lift?
As the treatment is not a full surgery, the side effects associated with it are minimal. In most cases patients have reported sensations of slight discomfort around the injected areas, alongside minimal swelling and bruising, which subside in a matter of days.
Below is the list of possible side effects that may follow the Sculptra butt lift procedure:
- Immediate:
Swelling – The treated area is expected to be slightly swollen for 24-48 hours.
Redness – You may experience skin irritation, which should be treated with a cold compress and NSAID medication, such as Ibuprofen.
Bruising – Bruising is expected to be minimal as cannula is utilized throughout the procedure, which causes minimal damage to the surrounding tissues.
Bleeding – Minimal bleeding may occur which tends to stop within an hour after the procedure.
- Long term:
Infection – Sometimes it happens that dermal fillers cause infection. In the event of any of the following symptoms make sure to contact Dr. Schwarzburg and seek emergency medical assistance:
- green or yellow drainage at the site of injections
- high temperature
- fatigue
- nausea
- dizziness
Injection granulomas – When PLLA particles clump together, injection granulomas may form. This can happen either if the post-care instructions are not followed, or if the injection site is excessively bruised, or too much Sculptra is injected.
Is Sculptra BBL Painful?
Sculptra butt enhancement procedure is very well tolerated by most patients. In most cases the injections are made through a single entry point in each butt cheek. And the pain level is kept at minimum provided blunt, round-tip cannulas are used.
How Lengthy Is the Downtime after Sculptra Butt Injections?
Social downtime – As the lower body clothing conceals the injection area, no social downtime is required. However, if you have planned to spend some time on the beach wearing a swimsuit, this is not likely to happen immediately after the procedure; you will need to postpone it for 48-72 hours.
Medical downtime –
- Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for 24 hours
- Avoid vigorous workouts for 5 – 7 days
- Avoid smoking or alcohol consumption for 24 hours
What Are the Aftercare Instructions for Sculptra Treatment?
There isn’t much aftercare as getting Sculptra filler for the buttocks isn’t the same as undergoing full plastic surgery.
However, you should follow the post-care protocol below:
- Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for 24 hours after the injections;
- Do not work out intensely for 7 days;
- Take NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen to reduce post-injection discomfort;
- During the next 5 days following the treatment gently massage the injected areas 5 times a day, for 5 minutes each time. This is a means to prevent formations of granulomas. The latter is a rare side effect which involves the development of small firm nodules under the skin. Massaging also helps the polylactic acid to adequately spread across the important areas and give better final results.

When Will the Final Results of Sculptra Butt Lift Treatment Be Visible?
Previous studies have shown that 4 to 8 weeks are required for the changes to become obvious after the initial Sculptra butt lift treatment.
Sculptra vs other fillers – The results of Sculptra butt injections differ from those of other fillers. The outcome depends on two major factors: the total number of injected vials and the body’s response, meaning its inflammatory reaction which is responsible for collagen production in the treatment area.
If additional vials are required, it is important to wait for 6 weeks after the most recent injection in order to avoid particle clumping, which can hinder the overall collagen production progress and volumization of the buttocks.
Sculptra response time – It takes time for your body to properly respond to the treatment as PLLA molecules stimulate natural collagen production. If you have any specific plans related to the results, schedule your appointment accordingly so that people are able to see the before and after differences that Sculptra BBL delivers.
Most patients eagerly share their before and after Sculptra butt results on social media. This is a great way to predict the appearance of your own results. The initial volume increase that you may notice immediately after your sculptra butt lift is only due to the swelling and will go down until the true results begin to show in a few months.
How Many Sculptra Sessions Will I Need?
The number of Sculptra NYC sessions differs from person to person and depends on:
- The volume that the patient wants to achieve
- Anatomical peculiarities of the patient, like the thickness of subcutaneous layer
- The total number of injected vials
- Frequency of injections
- The inflammatory response of the body to the poly-L-lactic acid molecules and the force of collagen production
The most optimal final results may require anywhere from 8 -100 vials. Usually, 8 to 20 vials can be injected within a single session. And for the final outcome up to 5 sessions and 10 months may be needed.
How Long Do the Sculptra Butt Enhancement Results Last?
Sculptra BBL results are known to last around 3-4 years, which is a significant amount of time compared to other dermal fillers that typically last for a maximum of 18 months. PLLA particles take long time to break down, and collagen growth around them lasts even longer. The longevity of Sculptra BBL results can compete with surgical fat grafting without the involvement of all the side effects, heavy sedation, risks, and extended recovery time of the latter. Furthermore, you will not need to undergo a fat transfer or tummy tuck, which implies surgical intervention and a lengthy recovery period. There are many patients who prefer getting annual follow up treatments to add a few more vials for more collagen production in order to achieve their desired results.
Are Sculptra Butt Lift Results Permanent?
As the body degrades the PLLA compounds within 3-4 years, the results of Sculptra butt lift treatment sessions will not be permanent.

Before and After Pictures
The before and after shots will be a full proof of the fact that this approach works for anybody who wants a full and perky butt. You’ll be amazed at the impact this simple process can have on creating the butt you’ve always wanted to have!

Will I Have Natural-looking Results after My Sculptra Injections?
The Information Available Online Suggests that Butt Implants and Injections Never Look Authentic.
By definition, Sculptra butt injections are considered to be a butt implant, however not all implants are the same and function the same way.
- First, you need to know that there are two types of implants: permanent ones and temporary or dissolvable ones. Sculptra is a temporary and dissolvable implant that lasts only a few years.
- Second, while the Sculptra filler settles and increases in volume over a period of a few months, it conforms to the body’s own curves. The newly grown collagen is your body’s natural collagen which basically means that it will look and feel completely natural to touch. One would not be able to tell whether your booty was made through injections or not.
As for permanent butt implants, they are made of silicone, and the body grows a fibrous capsule around them to contain this foreign material. These kinds of implants hardly ever look or feel authentic hence it’s not difficult to see that one has undergone a surgical manipulation to make the booty look a certain way. Also, with Sculptra augmentation physical activities are not limited which is not the case with silicone implants that assume a relatively long list of restrictions to be followed.
Sculptra butt implants look and feel completely natural and no one will be able to tell how you got that sexy and attractive bum!
What Is the Price for a Sculptra Butt Lift?
If you’re trying to find out, “How much is it to get Sculptra for buttocks in New York City?”, be aware that on average one Sculptra vial costs anywhere from $400 to $1000. This depends on a number of factors, such as the clinic location, the anatomical difficulty of the procedure, the expertise of the doctor and the number of vials used during each session.
Thus, the overall cost of a Sculptra butt lift treatment is likely to be within the range of $2000 to $20000.
In general, two to three treatment sessions are enough to achieve the full Sculptra effect that your body is capable of. You may need anywhere from 8 to 100 of Sculptra vials for that. The outcome depends on the way your body responds to Sculptra dermal filler. Be aware that there are poor, average and excellent responders. And unfortunately it is not possible to know in advance which type you belong to.
Pros and Cons of Sculptra Butt Injections
Pros and Cons of gluteal enhancement with Sculptra are summarized below:
- Minimally invasive, non surgical intervention which does not require general anesthesia;
- Creates butt volume by boosting natural collagen production;
- Does not require downtime and does not come with serious side effects, meaning you can immediately resume your normal activities;
- Natural-looking and long-lasting results that conform to the shape of your butt;
- The results do not show right away and are not overly dramatic; the filler may take up to 10 months to fully settle;
- Over the course of the treatment a number of sessions and, consequently, a number of visits to the office are required.
Is It Possible To Complement Sculptra Butt Lift Procedure With Other Treatments?
Below you can find the list of treatments that can be combined with the Sculptra gluteal augmentation:
- QWO cellulite treatment
- QWO collagenase injections dissolve the fibrous bands that are the root cause of cellulite. A combination of QWO and Sculptra will result in a flawless cellulite-free skin, plus a perky, heart-shaped butt.
- EmSculpt electromagnetic muscle stimulation
- This completely non-invasive technology causes repetitive muscular contractions equivalent to 20,000 crunches at the gym, which is a great solution if you don’t have time to work out gluteal muscles in the gym. This procedure will tone your muscles and give an additional butt lift. The synergistic results will be complementary to each other.
Sculptra Butt Lift vs. Brazilian Surgical Butt Lift
Sculptra butt lift is a lot safer than other forms of buttock augmentations, like the Brazilian butt lift. The latter requires surgical intervention to harvest fat from other parts of the body. While the results of a Sculptra butt lift may be less dramatic compared to those of a Brazilian butt lift surgery, it is not as dangerous and as expensive. Moreover, it works through natural stimulation of collagen growth.
And in case you are not fully happy with the results of your Sculptra butt lift, you can have more filler injected a few months after your initial treatment. As for the cases when you think the results don’t look natural or aren’t what you had in mind, you can rest assured that the effect is not permanent and will wear off within a few years.
Does Insurance Cover Sculptra Butt Lift?
Sculptra injections serve the purpose of gluteal augmentation and are considered to be an elective cosmetic procedure. This is why generally they are not covered by insurance. However, your insurance coverage may work if the procedure is a part of a gender reassignment surgery.
Sculptra butt augmentation is a modern, advanced, minimally invasive surgical procedure that does not require lengthy recovery time, is safe with measurable and reproducible results proven by multiple studies. The final results depend on the number of injection vials and your body’s own collagen production rate. The effect lasts long (for up to 2 years or more) and results in buttocks that look authentic. These are the hallmarks of this innovative intervention. However, you should make sure your treatment is administered by a highly trained and board certified plastic surgeon in order to avoid serious side effects.
What Are You Waiting For?
With all of the above said, you now are well informed on the procedure and can make your decision regarding this treatment. At MiracleFace we not only provide you with the best outcomes, but have a commitment to demonstrate complete transparency and conscientious care to all our patients. We want to leave you entirely satisfied and happy with your newly improved butt! Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, and we will gladly help you! Also, make sure to check out Sculptra buttocks injections reviews to get introduced to the opinions of others and find out the many benefits that the treatment offers.
How to get started with Sculptra BBL in NYC
Apart from all the experience, knowledge and skills, there is a thing that makes Dr. Schwarzburg stand out in the field of non-surgical butt augmentations with Sculptra fillers. And it is the fact that he approaches every individual client uniquely, recognizing their distinct needs for the treatment to be a success. He is extremely attentive to what every client tells him about their health and lifestyle to ensure they receive the treatment and care that will make their gluteal area look exactly the way they desire.
You can trust Dr. Schwarzburg’s competency to safely deliver Sculptra dermal fillers into your buttocks. The perfect placement of the injections is absolutely critical for achieving the best results as Sculptra can’t be dissolved the way hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can.
Dr. Schwarzburg’s practice is in Midtown Manhattan, New York, NY. This is a perfect location not only for those based in New York but also the surrounding areas. If you want best outcomes, safety, and lack of downtime for non-surgical butt lifts then make sure to contact us at MiracleFace. For additional information and to schedule your appointment, call our office at 212-920-7790 or submit your request online via info@miraclefacemedspanyc.com.